iOS Integration Tutorial
This tutorial guides you through the process of creating an iOS app using the dxFeed Swift API to display real-time stock market quotes in a dynamic quote table. You'll learn how to integrate the dxFeed API, and allow users to customize symbol sets.
Below is a demo of the iOS quote table app:
To build the iOS app, you'll need:
Xcode environment
Your preferred UI Framework (UIKit or SwiftUI)
Contact dxFeed Solution Delivery team for integration.
To install the dependency via Swift package manager, get the Swift package from GitHub.
Receiving market events
Basic usage for receiving dxFeed API Market Events:
import DXFeedFramework extension YourViewController: DXEventListener { public func receiveEvents(_ events: [MarketEvent]) { events.forEach { events in // refresh UI } } } let endpoint = try DXEndpoint.builder().withProperty(DXEndpoint.Property.aggregationPeriod.rawValue, "1").build() try endpoint.connect("") let subscription = try endpoint.getFeed()?.createSubscription(EventCode.quote) try subscription?.add(listener: yourViewController) try subscription?.addSymbols("AAPL", "IBM")
Reading instrument profiles
Usage instrument profiles to fetch available symbols:
import DXFeedFramework let reader = DXInstrumentProfileReader() let result = try reader.readFromFile(address: ",STOCK&compression=zip") // reading stocks and forex instruments result?.forEach { instrument in // refresh UI }
The corresponding file format is explained in detail in the Instrument Profile Format document. There is a corresponding Instrument Profile API to compose and parse them.
dxFeed symbology is explained in the Symbology Guide.